Version 0.3.3 of WooCommerce POS is now available for download at This is a ‘patch’ release to fix compatibility issues with WooCommerce that could not wait for the next feature update (more details below). Starting from 0.3.3 there will also be a change to the versioning system, feature releases will now be 0.x releases (eg: 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 …) and bug fixes will be 0.x.x releases (eg: 0.3.3, 0.3.4, 0.3.5 …). This versioning will be more semantic and will allow me to release bug fixes in a separate branch to the feature development.
Order status changes in WooCommerce 2.2
Anyone that updated to WooCommerce version 2.2 will know that it broke some functionality of WooCommerce POS. This was due to a change in the way order status is handled in WooCommerce – orders would go into the database but they were not being marked ‘completed’ and in turn the stock was not being adjusted. In WC 2.2.6 the problem appeared even worse with POS orders being hidden from the main order admin screen.
This release fixes the compatibility issues with WooCommerce 2.2 with POS orders using the new order status system. If are missing POS orders from your main order admin screen, please click the ‘Published’ tab and using the bulk edit tool you can change the orders to the correct status (eg: completed).

Check the Published tab for missing POS orders
Other bug fixes in version 0.3.3
- Fix: POS Only products improved, fixes 404 errors on imported products
- Fix: IndexedDB now available on Safari 7.1, compatibility update to db
- Fix: bug affecting default customer setting
- Fix: added support for Simplify Commerce by Mastercard
- Improved: product thumbnails, support for non-cropped thumbs
- Improved: clearing local database improved for large stores